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Jane Bonner My father was very overprotective of his children as, out of seven siblings, he was the only one who survived. I was premature and suffered from chronic asthma as a child, he prohibited me from being in the kitchen as he was extremely concerned that the fumes and washing dishes would instigate my asthma. So, unlike my other siblings, I didn’t participate in learning to prepare any meals. This lack of interest in cooking, or so I thought at the time, continued into my marriage and even after having my children.
My husband assumed the role of cooking for the family. It wasn’t until 2015 that I commenced preparing fried turkey and jollof rice for thanksgiving. Everyone really enjoyed my cooking and it soon became an annual thanksgiving tradition. I was very encouraged by the positive feedback. However, what was most instrumental in propelling my desire to continue cooking was after I visited an ethnic grocery store with my husband. He normally frequent this grocery store and the owner of the store knew him. I stood at the front of the store waiting for him as he meandered the store gathering what he needed.
The owner of the store approached me and told me that she sensed that I was an excellent cook and should be cooking. I quickly disagreed with her and told her that my husband did all of the cooking in our home. She then mentioned that my husband only cooks because he has to. So, I ponder this for a bit but quickly dismissed it.
On my 54th birthday, I decided to cook and invite friends to a feast. I spent a week preparing and for my birthday celebration. Everyone who came thoroughly enjoyed all the food I had prepared and everyone took leftovers home with them. It is amazing how God is truly involved in all the details of our lives. All of my life, I had escaped cooking and it was the very thing that God had ordained for me to do. Everyone in my family cooked and cook extremely well. I am so grateful to God for his divine revelation. The lesson here is that the very thing that my father tried to keep me away from, out of his fatherly concern, is in fact a gift that God wanted to see manifest in my life.
My husband assumed the role of cooking for the family. It wasn’t until 2015 that I commenced preparing fried turkey and jollof rice for thanksgiving. Everyone really enjoyed my cooking and it soon became an annual thanksgiving tradition. I was very encouraged by the positive feedback. However, what was most instrumental in propelling my desire to continue cooking was after I visited an ethnic grocery store with my husband. He normally frequent this grocery store and the owner of the store knew him. I stood at the front of the store waiting for him as he meandered the store gathering what he needed.
The owner of the store approached me and told me that she sensed that I was an excellent cook and should be cooking. I quickly disagreed with her and told her that my husband did all of the cooking in our home. She then mentioned that my husband only cooks because he has to. So, I ponder this for a bit but quickly dismissed it.
On my 54th birthday, I decided to cook and invite friends to a feast. I spent a week preparing and for my birthday celebration. Everyone who came thoroughly enjoyed all the food I had prepared and everyone took leftovers home with them. It is amazing how God is truly involved in all the details of our lives. All of my life, I had escaped cooking and it was the very thing that God had ordained for me to do. Everyone in my family cooked and cook extremely well. I am so grateful to God for his divine revelation. The lesson here is that the very thing that my father tried to keep me away from, out of his fatherly concern, is in fact a gift that God wanted to see manifest in my life.